Laila Kirchner“I cannot pull the string, if I can't feel it” - Interview with a pioneer of handedness-appropriate cello pedagogy
Linksgespielt"I knew that playing right-handed was only the second-best solution" - Sabine Zeis on the consistency of playing the violin with the left
LinksgespieltReport & photos from International Left-Handers Day 2023. Left-handed musicians exchange experiences
Linksgespielt"One life is not enough to learn music" Meet the passionate left-handed violinist José Antonio
Linksgespielt"The musical plan is in the bow" - violin teacher Benno Huber on handedness in violin playing
LinksgespieltPlaying the violin left-handed as a right-handed person - Margret on lefty playing due to injury
Linksgespielt»For lefties, it is in many ways easier and healthier to play left-handed.« – Prof. Elfriede Stahmer
Sabine Schmidt"Finally I can play with my heart" - Relearned to play the cello left-handed as an adult
LinksgespieltPlaying left-handed in orchestra? Interview with Berlin Philharmonic principal cellist Ludwig Quandt
LinksgespieltArgentina: 'I couldn't do what they were doing' – Federico Morgan about changing sides on the violin
LinksgespieltAnniversary of Charlie Chaplin's deathCharlie Chaplin died 44 years ago. To this day he’s often the first person to name when it comes to left-handed violin playing. Chaplin...