My story of being left-handed started when I was 6 months old, that’s how long it took my parents to understand the pain I was in. When my mother gave birth to me it was a hard childbirth. The nurse who was helping my mother, pulled my arm so hard that I was injured for life. The damage I got is called Plexus damage.
Playing the trumpet is quite hard, when you are paralyzed in your right hand. You hold the trumpet differently and its hard to use all the slides. When I was younger other people watched me hold the trumpet differently and it was very embarrassing for me.
I have always played on a right-handed trumpet that I had modified by myself. The market for left-handed trumpets is not so big.
In 2020 I was in contact with Yamaha and ask them, if they could help me to fix a more modified left-handed trumpet. Two weeks later Eddie Veit, who works in Yamaha's atelier in Hamburg, made a modified left-handed trumpet for me. That trumpet made my trumpetwork so much easier. I still play on a right-handed flugelhorn and piccolo trumpet. My dream is to have both flugelhorn and piccolo left-handed.
The instrument I play, except for the trumpet, is the piano and I sing, too. When I play the piano I have my arms crossed to play the bass tones with my right hand.
I freelance in the Stockholm area and I also play regularly with Lasse Lindgren Big Bop Constellation and George Grayhound Music Foundation Orchestra, as a soloist.
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