Hans-Ludwig Becker
Fotos: Alexander Englert

September 13, 2021
Do you see yourself as right-handed or left-handed?
I am distinctly a right-handed person.
Did you play your instrument 'the other way round' from the start?
No, I learned right-handed first.
When did you change to left-handed playing and why?
See vita.
Please tell us more about the relearning process and your approach.
I don't really have memories of the re-learning process anymore, that was almost 50 years ago now! In any case, I don't remember it as dramatic.
Do you still play right-handed today? In what context?
I still bow right-handed today when tuning. - That makes it easier to bow and turn the fine tuners at the same time. With students, I rarely play left-handed on their right-handed instruments, which is possible to a certain extent.
How did you come by your lefty instruments?
All my instruments are transformed right-handed instruments.
What is your experience with playing left-handed in an orchestra?
I play in the orchestra of Opera Ballet Vlaanderen.
When I was looking for a job in Germany in the 90s, playing left-handed was not exactly conducive. But there were some orchestras that had no problems with it.
What bizarre experiences have you had with your lefty playing style?
One incident comes to mind: As a student, I was asked to play in an orchestra that had been put together. At the first rehearsal, my desk neighbor only realized at the end of the rehearsal that I played left-handed. From that moment on, he was so confused that he no longer wanted to share the desk with me.